NU Smile Aligner Blog

Flossing with Nu Smile: A Simple Guide for a Cleaner Smile

January 10, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — thenusmiles @ 5:46 pm
Nu Smile patient flossing in the mirror

Nu Smile aligners are a fantastic way to straighten your teeth, but keeping them clean is just as important as wearing them consistently. Proper flossing prevents plaque buildup, keeps your gums healthy, and ensures your aligners stay fresh. But how are you supposed to floss effectively while wearing clear aligners? Continue reading to find a simple guide to keep the Nu Smile system working for you.


In-Depth FAQ: How Long Does Nu Smile Aligner Treatment Take?

December 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — thenusmiles @ 9:50 pm
Close up of patient holding a clear aligner

When it comes to modern orthodontics, clear aligners reign supreme as the treatment of choice – and it’s easy to see why! That said, many patients wonder how long they’ll have to wear the aligners until their treatment is considered complete. That’s understandable, too; after all, who wouldn’t want to show off their newly straightened smile as soon as possible?

Below, you’ll find in-depth information about this frequently asked question and the Nu Smile Aligner treatment timeline. Simply keep reading to get the facts!


How to Stay Healthy This Cold and Flu Season with Nu Smile Aligners

November 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — thenusmiles @ 4:55 pm
A woman putting on a Nu Smile aligner.

Winter is right around the corner, and that means so is cold and flu season. But even though it’s difficult enough to navigate this time of year when you’re not undergoing orthodontic treatment, staying healthy with Nu Smile aligners doesn’t have to be. Here are some practical tips for keeping germ free this winter when you’re constantly putting your hands in your mouth!


How to Survive Halloween While Straightening Your Teeth with Nu Smile Aligners

October 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — thenusmiles @ 11:03 pm

Halloween is a great time of year for frightening fun and monstrous mischief, but some of its traditions can be problematic for your dental health and orthodontic treatment. While Nu Smile Aligners are an amazingly comfortable and discreet way to address misalignments like overbites, underbites, open bites, and crossbites, it’s important to keep your treatment instructions in mind while celebrating this spooky holiday. Here are a few tips for how to keep your clear aligner treatment on track during the Halloween season.


I’d Love to Straighten My Smile with Nu Smile Aligners, but Can They Affect How I Speak?

September 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — thenusmiles @ 12:46 am
Lady places clear aligners on teeth

Nu Smile Aligners are an excellent way to realign your smile without the irremovable and conspicuous metal parts or the frustrating dietary restrictions that come with traditional metal braces. While these amazing dental trays can allow you to smile confidently without worrying about passers-by noticing them, you may develop a slight lisp when you begin the treatment. Here’s why that can happen as well as a few tips for learning to speak normally again sooner.


How Can My Teen Keep Up with Their NU Smile Aligners When Returning to School?

August 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — thenusmiles @ 8:26 pm
Teen admires his clear aligner

NU Smile Aligners are a great way for teens to achieve straighter, healthier, and more beautiful smiles without the troublesome dietary restrictions or conspicuous metal brackets and wires that come with traditional braces. However, it can be difficult to comply with the treatment during the hustle and bustle of the back-to-school season. Here are a few tips to help teens stay on top of their orthodontic process while acclimating to the new school year.


Can Nu Smile Aligners Correct Bite Problems?

July 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — thenusmiles @ 4:10 pm
Smiling woman looking at her clear aligner

A well-aligned smile is about more than just the teeth. In order for your mouth to function optimally and look its best, your bite should also be healthy. But what if you have an overbite or another type of bite problem? Can Nu Smile Aligners help? In many cases, yes, they can! This blog post discusses what you can expect during the treatment process.


Shining Sun, Shining Smiles: Why Summer Is Perfect for Nu Smile Aligner Treatment

June 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — thenusmiles @ 4:25 am
Someone holding a clear aligner

Unfortunately, there are all kinds of people who are unhappy with the alignment of their smile. People from all walks of life, and of every age, are interested in what Nu Smile Aligners could potentially do for their smile; however, many of them can’t seem to figure out the best time to get started with the treatment.

If that sounds like you, there’s good news: summertime is actually the perfect time to begin your Nu Smile journey! Here are a few reasons why this could be the absolute best time to start clear aligner treatment.


The Freedom of Nu Smile Aligners

May 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — thenusmiles @ 11:54 pm
Someone with a clear aligner

Clear aligners are quickly becoming one of the most popular and celebrated orthodontic treatments around, and when you take an objective look at them it’s easy to see why. These plastic trays are thin, discreet, and removable; each of these factors means that you will have a lot more freedom when it comes to this treatment than you will with many other methods of straightening your teeth.

If you’re interested in learning more, here are just some of the freedoms that come with clear aligner treatment.


Buyer Beware! 5 Dangers of Mail-Order Clear Aligners

March 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — thenusmiles @ 4:19 pm
Assortment of clear aligners against dark background

Have you seen advertisements for mail-order clear aligners? In recent years, such systems have seen a boom in popularity. They appeal to people due to their low price and the convenience of at-home treatment. However, extreme caution is in order. If you choose to use mail-order clear aligners, you might end up regretting your decision! This blog post explains 5 dangers that you should be aware of before you commit to this type of treatment.

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